Raft is a survival game set on the ocean, where you start with four squares of wood beneath your feet and a hook-rope in your hand. You throw the hook to grab junk as it floats by, which you craft tools and expand the raft with. Meanwhile a shark circles, occasionally trying to take a chunk out of your raft and making it risky to just swim out into the trash stream to grab stuff as it floats past.
I have thalassaphobia, a fear of the sea, and I play games like Abzu and Subnautica as a way of confronting that in a safe environment. In games it's normally underwater predators or leviathans who have eyes as big as my body that set off my phobia, but Raft hits a less rational side of that fear: it's the endless unbroken horizon and the occasional unsteady swell of waves beneath my feet that make it frightening. That said, when I fell off the raft and the shark bit me I swore so loud the dog came in to check I was OK.
I have thalassaphobia, a fear of the sea, and I play games like Abzu and Subnautica as a way of confronting that in a safe environment. In games it's normally underwater predators or leviathans who have eyes as big as my body that set off my phobia, but Raft hits a less rational side of that fear: it's the endless unbroken horizon and the occasional unsteady swell of waves beneath my feet that make it frightening. That said, when I fell off the raft and the shark bit me I swore so loud the dog came in to check I was OK.
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